
Lower Back Pain Home Treatment – Simple and Healthy

Since anyone can suffer from back pain, it is important to take measures to prevent the occurrence of the same through every means available. No doubt, low back pain whether chronic or acute can be a challenging problem to live with. Nevertheless, using the right treatment can help an individual with this condition, to deal with it efficiently and conclusively. More and more people are discovering that back pain home treatment can be quite effective.

Generally, back pain is manifested in two forms, which are chronic or acute. Chronic back pain is a persistent and ongoing pain of the back which can last for a period of three months or more. On the other hand, acute pain is sudden and more severe, lasting for several days or a few weeks. Understanding the type of pain that an individual is going through will help him or her approach the treatment in a much better way.

Sufficient Rest and Heat Therapy

Even though back pain is a troublesome and painful experience, simple yet effective back pain home treatment can be used to correct the problem. One of the things that can be done is to have sufficient rest, which will bring relief. When lying down on a flat ground by placing one pillow below the knees and another one under the head helps to relive weight and pressure off the back. A similar posture for home treatment that can bring relief is laying down on the floor with one pillow under the head and placing one foot on a chair, not forgetting to bend the knees and hips.

In addition, to these simple postures, heat therapy can also be used as a form of back pain home treatment. In this process, a hot water bottle is placed on the lower back for at least a half an hour in order to ease the pain. Heating pads can be used for the same purpose.

Ginger and Sesame Oil Liniment

Another common back pain home treatment is ginger and sesame oil liniment. In this process, pure sesame and ginger is mixed in equal amounts, the mixture is heated to a warm temperature and is applied on the back by rubbing it in for a few minutes. This simple mixture is an effective back pain home treatment since it eases blood circulation and eventually stops the pain. This mixture can be applied a number of times in a day especially after taking a bath and before going to bed. However, in the case of an allergic reaction, the use of the mixture should be discontinued.

Massage can also prove to be an excellent back pain home treatment. The proper way of massaging is by clenching a fist and then using the back of the hand to rub the lower back vigorously for several minutes, combining this activity with stretches. This can be done by either sitting or standing. Some of the measures that can be taken to prevent Lower Back Pain are:

  1. Avoid twisting the body.
  2. Avoid wearing heels, often.
  3. Maintain good postures, always.
  4. Pull objects instead of pushing them. 
Lower Back Pain Home Treatment – Simple and Healthy Lower Back Pain Home Treatment – Simple and Healthy Reviewed by Grace on 06:30 Rating: 5
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